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TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate)

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure to treat enlarged prostate BPH that is causing obstruction. TURP is one of the most common major surgeries performed on men.

TURP is done under regional or general anesthesia. During TURP, the surgeon uses a telescope attached to an instrument with a movable wire loop which is used to remove the obstructing prostate tissue one piece at a time from the inside of the enlarged prostate gland to create a cavity. Only the interior part of the enlarged prostate gland is removed with TURP. This tissue is carried away by the irrigating fluid into the bladder, and then flushed out at the end of TURP. This is sent for analysis to exclude prostate cancer.

The hospital stay is two days after TURP.  There is no open wound to heal after TURP. The patient can walk freely once the catheter is removed and resume most of his normal activities.


UroSurgery Mt. E, Urology Specialist Clinic, Singapore




New Prostate Cancer Drug gives Hope to patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Researchers from the United Kingdom has unveiled a new drug that can shrink advanced prostate cancer which no longer respond to conventional drug therapy.

Prostate cancer incidence rises in Singapore

Prostate cancer incidence rises in Singapore

Prostate cancer has been the 5th commonest cancer among men in Singapore. This is no longer so.


Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer

Early diagnosis of Prostate Cancer can lead to early and effective treatment with good outcome.


Important Clinic Information

Opening hours:
Mondays to Fridays   - 9 am to 5pm
Saturdays                    - 9 am to 1pm

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